"Quiet - The Power of Introverts" Susan Cain Ted Talk

Are you tired of being asked why you are so quiet? Claim your power!

Watch this video that is slowly changing the world and join the introvert revolution.

In this classic TED Talk, Susan Cain promotes the value of introverts and other quiet people, and starts a movement.


Are you tired of being called "quiet"? It is frustrating to be caught up in a culture that appreciates an outgoing talkative persona, but is confused by a quiet thoughtful personality.

Don't you hate it when people call you out to talk more or speak out in a meeting or in a social group? Suddenly you are put on the spot and made to feel like it's not okay to just listen.

Being an introvert is not the same thing as being shy or socially anxious. But some shy or socially anxious people are also introverts.

A person who is socially anxious may be an introvert or an extravert or somewhere in between.

Introverts enjoy social interactions but prefer to be social in small groups or talk one on one. Introverts enjoy time on their own and re-charge their energy with "alone time".

If you are naturally quiet, or naturally talkative, you are wonderful as you are.